one day i'll prove to you that i can be even happier w/o you ard with me, sharing my secrets sharing my smile b'c i no longer find that joy and laughter that often anymore. i may be selfish i may be emotional at times but feel me inside my heart do you even feel that i'm happy like this, everyday? b'c you never know how i always feel. view it in my point of view n i hope y'know one day how much i tried. n one day you'll get so sick n tired of everything, yes not anything or something but everything.
Friday, January 14, 2011 @ 8:49 PM
(if i didn't cared anymore, i didn't bother anymore, wld i still be in your mind for a lil sec?)
Everyday seems so packed, with hardcore studies, one after another. Waking up early in the morning for school and going back home late evening, it seems like school is rlly my second home. I tend to get rlly tired everytime in class especially in english, social studies, geog lessons, they're hell boring i swear! Sec'three's life aren't that gd though there's plenty much more to do with more intense work. My life's rlly like a typical sec'three girl how can i make it more interesting i wonder. tdy's great with: carolyn, cindy, shannon, verlin! (♥♥)
Saturday, January 8, 2011 @ 3:50 PM
(let's all make a wish, a wish that makes you happy, a wish that grants your everything)
wasn't that great news to hear, my school have two pe once a week(!) i'm super happy y'know b'c i hate studying hardcore every single second. i'm sec three now i guess i don't have much time to mingle ard thru my sec three life i guess it's rlly a start of my revision for o'lvl. i'm still thinking whether i wanna go jc or not(.........) it's tough, rlly rlly. i myself know sec three is important, it's the basic of o'lvl but it doesn't seems to make myself study at home when i'm free i know this sucks i shall try out someday somehow some way. gd lucks to those taking their o'lvl results on monday.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011 @ 8:00 PM
hi guys it's school today n i swear i don't like my form teacher seriously. she's so strict upon hair especially my fringe, she want me to clip it up when only few r dropping down. i said i can't clip it up she said she can make miracles happen n i have no choice but to say ok i'll clip it up. argh she's so irritating. she checked my skirt, i faster went to un-roll it. even if i didn't un-roll it's still not short anyway. but yeah i did un-roll n she just, er, barely make me pass. or else i've to buy a new skirt. it's just such a waste of money -___-" school tdy is terrible, there's long talks n tomorrow i'm gonna have another two talks or so it's so boring my teacher is another bore.
Saturday, January 1, 2011 @ 3:49 PM
hey guys' happy new year to all! :-) had a countdown 'party' at c's house! i'd my most filled stomach at her house with steamboat.(you know why? b'c i ate from ard 7 to ard 9 thn played some games then continued to eat. you can imagine how much i eat ohmygosh
!) i know myself i'll gain ard six grams omg no sigh. :-'( hm, anyway school's gonna reopen soon, like a three days omg can you even imagine that -___-" i'm not even prepared or whatever shit to study in like upper sec, studying school until like 3.45 or even worst. i don't like my form teacher i don't want to be in 3/5 i'll be in total stress oh please. *__* let's just hope 2011 wld be gd to us. (that's what everyone says)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010 @ 10:46 PM
what i really miss about myself:
- I miss how i always smile.
- I miss how cheerful i once used to be
- I miss how everything is like a happy-go-lucky thing.
- I miss how everyone said i was a cheerful lil'girl.
- I miss how i never cried for a long time.
- I miss how i was so carefree that i've nothing to worry about.
- I miss how i don't know many things.
- I miss how happy i used to be, in 2009.
- I miss old self, i really do.
Lastly, i think what i miss most about myself is:
having nothing to worry about.