One can be a soldier without dying, and a lover without sighing. Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 8:41 PM
 Hey people. Went to school as per normal, waited for carolyn and co for long in school /: Chatted with them till the bell ring. (: Assembly, gosh. The P. is talking about CCA and education. Was separated by following CCA. Went to one-six class to discus about CCA . (: crap a lot afterall. HAHA, teacher is getting lamer and lamer. Ohmygosh, how am i going to survive from all this craps manxz! :P Went for recess, ate, and hand up Ignite camp form :B Went back class, FTC, did stuffs. Great, one-five, good job, *thumbsup. All of us are going up to two express next year! :) Went to causeway to eat MAC. guess what, i got apple pie for free. how lucky i was! :D (monopoy game) Went to yew tee to buy bubbletea. at that time, it's raining, and shimin dropped her file in a big puddle. Ohmy, i pity her file, waterwater already, somemore, it's exam paper. Went carolyn's house. actually to do the missjuliza's birthday card, but in the end, me and shimin was playing away with her small brother, and leaving carolyn to do everything. HAHA, cause, my drawing sucks though. what's the point of drawing ugly stuffs in such a gorgeous and beautiful board and paper. :B *thumbsup & cheer for carolyn* ! :D Went to play poker cards, and stuffs. crap a lot there, tons of fun though! about to sleep there, cause i was too sleepy. *her bed is so comfortable* ; shimin agreed too! Shimin and carolyn was like playing the hit hand with scissors paper stone. Went home around that, and i was crapping with shimin, quite a lot of stuffs. Went home with her, both of our file dropped on the floor. She picked mine, i picked hers. How wonderful. & i'm too kind to lend her onetwenty. :P she went to take bus home, while i walked home. Bye. (: Ps: Carolyn&Shimin VS scissors paper stone, carolyn win till alotalot. (: Shimin's hand is red, cause when someone loses, they have to be hit. I pity shimin's hand O:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 8:37 PM
 Went school as per normal, the principal talked to us, and it's the second/third time, i heard/saw the word "Dare to dream". One of from principal, one was from Mr Aw, another one was from Reader's Digest book :> (cool right, i cant' imagine that i would see such a word, in one day) Saw Eric's hair, and i was like, laughingoutloud! (totally/serious/really/very hilarious). Played volleyball and didn't go for recess, as we're like playing volleyball/basketball (: Went for price giving, and just realise quite a lot of people taking the wrong medals /: Went for CCM. Perhaps, today's CCM was the most boring session though. The teacher was not what i expected, being strict. I want the cutecute teacher back :> (she's so cute)! Went for training after that, was real tired. I realize that i yawn for more than ten times today (wow).
Sunday, October 25, 2009 @ 8:29 PM
Time really flies. I cant imagine that i have been attending school for almost a year. I cant imagine that i will be going up to sec two next year. I cant imagine that i have grown one year older. I cant imagine to be senior for those sec's one next year. I cant imagine that a year passes so quickly. I still have not had the chance to even work hard for my exams. I cant imagine that i have been learning sec one stuffs for almost a year. Time really files, reallyreally fast. I still have not had the chance to thank those whom helped me, whom i loved, whom i appreciate. Anyway, thanks for this year, i kinda do enjoyed it though. Luvs :>
Friday, October 23, 2009 @ 5:37 PM
    Went school, chatted/crapped/laughed/talked :B Went back to class, was so tired, rested. Actually wanted to watch show, but in the end, the disc wasn't working well, hence, we played *True or Dare*. (sort of fun). Next period, went through English paper two. (grrrr, careless) .___." Recess, was signing up the Ignite camp yeah. (go register)! Hah, ate, the queue was long today! Went back class, had CCM for one and a half. Was not bad, those three teachers that is teaching us for the past few days was great ! :D Went to 888 there, accompany Carolyn go cut her hairrrr. (she looked like a barbie doll with her damn straight bangs, which is just like a ruler; aggresive a bit) :P Heh, ate kfc (yummmy). Wanted to wait for bangs and co. But it started to rain! (damn heavy) Went to blocks to shelter. Waited for rain to stop and went home with carolyn :D Having match tomorrow, goodluck to CHR ! :>
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 @ 9:09 PM
(random photo). today, assembly, vice-principal talked, and i listened. i did read readers' digest, about a little baby having special eyes, wow. (impressed). went to the hall to check on exam scripts. I was so nervous though. first to take back is science. G.O.S.H. I knew it, i'll get a B4 for science. next was history. fifty-five, at least a C5(: geography, fifty-six, at least a C5 too. no failed subjects, (glad). went to crap with those people. :B (damn loads of laughter; they're crapper)! first class to go out of hall for recess ^_^ Ate, went back to class and it's FTC. {: teacher talked to us, blah (barely remember). Congrats to Christian for getting 81 for science! (highest among express classes) :D. yayness, girls passed our english. and god, i hope that the person i guessed, is NOT going to 2NA next year. Please god, i dont want him to go down, please, give him another chance. Had training, i'm tired now. bye.(wow, it's wordy today, get your eyes check) :P
Saturday, October 17, 2009 @ 3:26 PM
 Exams are over! I'm so glad. I'm so relaxed. I'm so happy. I'm so free. Results are back. Kinda disappointed with my chinese and english. Grrrrr. Nothing can change my marks, But i can work hard for next year. Yes, i sure. God, guide me along, thanks. Bye.
Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 2:50 PM

Lazy to post.
Bye. (:
Tags replied. {:
Peizhen :B: sorry for the late reply, okay
Reply ; Nope. :D
i'm gilliannn . ♥: HELLO, retarded woman! {: ♥
Reply ; you then retarded. :P (L)
xSoul: Haha. how's your exam ? Easy ? You pretty kay (; Luvs
Reply ; nah, difficult ah! Nope, you then pretty, luvs.
roseanne: hello ling ting!
Reply ; hi rose! :DD
Yanru.: Tagged,stay chio[:
Reply ; not chio, how say chio.
Lingling: go out also never call me ...
Reply ; next time, first one jio you! :DD
GINA: Lingting!! Seeyou soon allright? Misses! Lovelove ^_^
Reply ; yeah, see you tomorrow, lovelove <3 class="pn_std">`SABRINA.: OHLINGTING! (L)
Reply ; banggggs ! (L)
Peijia: Very easy mehs ? LOL .
Reply ; hmm, yeah, quite easy. :P
Peizhen :B: no lo! hahaha, mine is more strong! <: luv Reply ; nehneh, mine more! :P Luv too. Peizhen :B: haha, something sad, it's nothing already. thankyou, luv you so much <: Reply ; okay, welcome, luv you so much too :>
ZICHENg: Sissterrr ~!~! Meet up reall sooonnn !!!
Reply ; sure sister. :DD
JiaYing: Mummie ! Tagg ! (L)
Reply ; thanks :B
♥CAROLYN♥: Hahahahaha , LOL . Ya larh ya larh , bad people sue you only larh .
Reply ; of course! :P
♥CAROLYN♥: Wat i more worst lorh . you terrible arh  hehehehe , No i am not inside , i at home now  LOVE
Reply ; i best laaa, :P HAHAAH ! Home, my home la, shoo. (fake) Luv too.
xintong cousinn,.: Hehs,don say i never tag okay?good that you ended eoy!at least you gave your best shot!(: i been random here luh.:Pbye lovely.
Reply ; haha, yeah, you jiayous k , bye lovely.
Eeliz: taggs!
Reply ; :DD
Peijia: Relink , sexy !
Reply ; i just relinked sexy. :DD
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 @ 10:20 PM
Pardon me for the pictures, blur .__.Hi people. Exams are over! I.f.e.e.l.s.o.h.a.p.p.y.a.n.d.h.y.p.e.r :D Had my maths paper two, was .. not really good for me ._." G.O.S.H. Went mac for breakfast, and went bugis with shiyun and shimin. Went shopping around bugis street. (: Bought two bags. Big one same as shiyun, same one, designs same as shiyun and shimin, only pattern different . (: Went home, tired. I cant sit on long buses, bye.
Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 8:37 PM
Hello. (: Today went school and read all my history notes! .__." Didnt really studied for my science (GOSH). Miss Foo was funny today, fanning sharmaine.(funny) Then went back class, had my history paper. Maybe, perhaps, i have flunk the paper .__. Drank only mango water for break and went back class asap to read science (guai guai ley) :P Gosh, i should have read my science textbook. ): G.O.S.H. The paper is already handed up, i have no choice, but to accept the fact.Went to shimin's house again :P Actually wanted to do maths, but in the end, didnt really do anything. But the car & lorry got teach me maths (thanks)! Then crap a lot {: Borrowed shimin's Maths topical assesment to bring home and do. (do.do.do) :D Went home around 5 plus. ^^ Tomorrow last paper already! YAY :D
Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 3:55 PM
Courage does not always roar.sometimes courage is the quiet voice.at the end of the say saying.'I will try again tomorrow"(mary anne radmacher).
Friday, October 9, 2009 @ 8:50 PM
Hello, hi. Had my Geography paper, and i just flunk it. It's t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e! I did study, but i think my brain cells didnt absorb ): I seriously have this feelings that i will get tons of low grades for this EOY exams, G.O.S.H! Went MAC for morning breakfast ! Went Shimin's house, to play actually. Didnt want to go home early as there's nothing to do. Went to watch tv and stuffs, and the boys came. They were stuck outside for some time, as i didnt let them in. :P Went to play volleyball and badminton. (: Had fun! Bought icepop to eat too, :D Played badminton with carolyn the most , (most fun de) HAHAHA. Went home around 3 plus 4. Zac, you this loser! (Lose to me and carolyn badminton!) :P
Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 8:58 PM
Click for bigger view. {: I'm like this girl ah, flunk the paper, perhaps. First was Maths paper. I didnt studied for the frequency table, and it came out -,- I flunk the paper, ): Algebra, i'm wrong, yet again. Had break, discussed about the paper, and i had quite a number of mistakes, how disappointing/sad. Had literature paper, was difficult yet again. Starting of question one, already, i didnt know how to do. How could I NOT? I'm so disappointed. My class position is going to drop for sure! ): Why is EOY paper so difficult ?! O: Had loads of wrong already too. Sigh, i wondered why.
Meet shiyun and co. Went KFC, bought food and went shimin's house to eat. *yummy* Then watch show a while, it's nice! :B Then studied for Geography for a while. (: But i thinks my brain cells wasnt's working at that moment ): Didnt absorb, so, went to play volleyball. Had so much fun. Keep laughing and crapping ! ^^ Went home and studied for my geography. :} I didnt sleep today (cheers for me) :P Bye. Study my geography (volcano) later on. :B
Shimin made me fall down! ): (lucky is bang until backside, not leg, you this evil mianzi!) Carolyn is 15 years old! (a primary four girl guessed carolyn's age. I was 14, as she said)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 9:00 PM
I hope times stop now. I hope to have motivation for me to study. I hope to have confidence in myself to succeed. I hope to pass all my exams. I hope i would not regret after my exams. I hope that i have god's strength to guide me along in life. I hope to gain back your trust. I hope everything would be back to normal, perhaps. Bye.
Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 10:34 PM
 Lazy to post more already ._. More pictures.
Sunday, October 4, 2009 @ 2:45 AM
I'll post when i have my photos in my phone alrights ^^. Had fun playing candles with Gillian, Haris, Lingling, Jesslyn, shimin, shiyun, zicheng and zhenming (follow by abc) :} HAHA, funfun. Next year, head out again alrights, love.<3
I. have. been. wondering. why.