One can be a soldier without dying, and a lover without sighing. Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 7:57 PM
I don't want tests. I don't like tests. I am lazy to study for tests. Cause my brain cells would work out just like shooting guns. Bye.
Saturday, January 30, 2010 @ 8:54 PM
hi all i am going to have tests coming up this few weeks already so i need all your lucks to be on me hahahaha. anyway i can't wait for my class camp and class tee and class bonding and camp group and class laughter and class unity and class shouting and class playing some lame old games and class playing 'bomb' and class having fun during camp and i want to see that to happen during camp as it would be the last year all being together. homeworks are still undone especially the the the the home economics coursework that really burst my brain NOT cause i still haven't really start on it :-)
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 8:18 PM
This is overdue photo during IT lesson, photography okay and i know it looks weird but i don't care i just have to pick any photo for this post cause i think my blog lacked of photos. today was crazy. maths test was postpone how great was that and i just found out that i haven't done my home economics coursework that i have to rush. literature test was rather easy and science lesson was not stressful and yay class tee is in orange colour that votes are so close but in the end orange won the most gayly and manly colour purple ha ha ha ha. went to retarded's house and home anyway my classmates are good snatcher of sweeeets beware. ;-)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @ 8:06 PM
Friday, January 22, 2010 @ 10:29 PM
Dream big.
Hi literature lesson was cool and i love literature lesson because it's so interesting and after school at shimin's house was crazy plus msn with people was awesome but i was trick by siyuan upon the 'virus' thing but it's just a emotion i thought he was tranfering a virus to me so i typed out in caps ' CANCEL!!!' then in the end i was tricked and both siyuan and shimin laughed at me ohno how dumb. okay tests coming up bye.
Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 9:23 PM
Everything's a mess.
Hi school lessons especially English lesson was so boring that i nearly slept but i didn't how great i was to tolerate the bored-ness of the english class. i slept four late nights and i think i really have to sleep early tonight around ten plus to get some sleep before i really sleep in school.
Swimming was great but i was such a moron to have said something silly and i have to demostrate what the coach said and i was always the first to swim and it's always embarrasing to be first i guess. after swimming i went to done up fast, ate biscuits for lunch and off to training and it's like i have an really empty stomach to attend training i might puke anytime as i didn't eat during recess either. training was great and awesome. went back home being so tired and i have done up my maths homework (yay) but i still have my music journal to do. nevermind i will do it in school tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 @ 8:55 PM
hi today lessons are sort of fine yet boring but supersonic girlfriend shimin came to my group in surprise cause i thought teacher would not let us sit together but she did and yay! english class was so boring writing compo about dreams and it's been screwing my brain cells already. i wanted to write whatever dream i had but i don't want it to be marked as one of my CA1 english because i will definately do well bad. cause i didn't want my CA1 score to drag my score down as i am streaming already and everything i do is really important ohno.
staying back with a bunch of good friends was great but i still can't crack my mystery. number bomb was fun but i made a fool of myself upon doing it but overall was fun! talking in class was awesome. making jokes around was awesome. today after school was great yay! now i find that my phone sucks for some particular reasons. (: goodbye.
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @ 9:04 PM
Today is thursday, lessons was sort of boring and i went swimming today! (iheartswimming)! yay! anyway i went for lifeguard ones. anyway, i didn't know swimmers with award are learning lifeguard. In the end, when me and yanying was about to change our group to 'swimmers with no award', we were caught and been scolded how unlucky we were. we were still in lifeguard and I did not regret cause the coach is friendly plus funny and saving was fun. Those learning lifeguard students are so good at swimming unlike me. i forgotten how to swim already actually and the coach said i swim freestyle like half freestyle plus frog style but i remembered already phew! :-)
After swimming, went back to class as soon as possible to take my stuffs and went to the toilet to bath as i am having my volleyball training. thanks carolyn for the shampoo, i knew it someone will bring it so i was lazy and i didn't bring it *evil laughs. i was freaking hungry by then and i ate laksa fast enough before my training starts. started training just after i ate, can you imagine how my food jump up and down when i am running? I think i can feel that, and my stomach hurts when i am running maybe due to the food. training was alright for me. went back after that, went to do homeworks. quite a lot though, and now i still left with music journal to do, i think i'll do it at around ten later on. Bye.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @ 5:45 PM
School was fine, nothing much for me to elaborate anyway.
Home Economics has so many things to do, and i haven't start. : (
Saturday, January 9, 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Hi all i went to school for CCA selection for the sec ones. We're all like shouting our guts out to pull people to join volleyball and running/walking/hopping/jumping makes me tired. Watched basketball match, was so interesting! Anyway, went to swim. It was great. Awesome girlfriends are amazing. Carolyn and Wendy, you're such slow learners, hahaha, i am just kidding ;-) Anyway, i bought my swimming suit for goodness sake. HAHA, swimming was great and i have became darker like finally! Yay great saturday and i skipped my tuition, haha!
Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 8:27 PM
Hi i'm sick. Thirty-eight degrees, phew! It's just a little bit fever or else i can't go for tomorrow's sec one selection. Swimming suit costed a bomb to me and i have to go to boonlay tomorrow to shop for swimming suit as i am going to attend swimming lessons in school. I finally know how to swallow medicine. (i am so proud of myself)! Get well soon bangs, luvyou. :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 8:38 PM
Was with my girlfriends today. It was great, played volleyball, did decorations in school for CCA stuffs for those new sec ones. Anyway crapped laughed and lots. Yay camp on February! Swimming next week. School's pretty boring this few days, lesson are like boring, lessons are like nothing much, argh, i still haven't read 'The Pearl' Mr Chia's quite funny though. Obama, osama (Y). Goodbye.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 8:27 PM
- School.
- Causeway.
- Shimin's house.
- Home
Goodbye, tired.
Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 6:28 PM
Happy birthday Cindy!
First day of school today. Okay, first thing in the morning, it's raining patheticly. Secondly, those sec one's is like so blur plus some cute ones. Thirdly, MY CLASS IS IN THE SECOND FLOOR! yay!
Haha, okay, the principal did something that i laugh out during national anthem. (she sang the national anthem damn loudly, mostly those sec two's people sitting in front laugh) ! Somemore high pitch one eh! (hahahahhahaa laugh out loud). Anyway, she talked a lot, i listened not a lot. went back to class for admin stuffs, argh.
After school i went to kfc to eat and i love eating kfc a lot , hahaha. yay i saw shanshan the mental patient, it's been long since i saw her! Ateateate, i kept talking but no one answered, they ask me eat medicine they ask me whether i ate my medicine or not /: HAHA, actually going to shannon's house but in the end didn't. walked around cwp, saw kelly, elgene and yicheng. It's been one month since i saw Kelly already. HAHA, anyway home after that , goodbye.
Argh, whatever.
Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 9:24 PM
Happy birthday angel vicki ng wan ting! :)
School's starting tomorrow. Okay, i dont wished to wake up early morning six o'clock but i have no choice but to. Anyway, i have the same form teacher (:( < (meaning sad face plus happy face) and same classmates ! (insert many smiley faces)  Anyway i packed my bag and cut my nails. All i have to do today is to sleep early plus pray hard that my class wasn't at fourth floor! :< School's starting and i am gonna buck up for my streaming year, goodbye guys!
Saturday, January 2, 2010 @ 8:53 PM
School gonna reopen real soon, it's like only the day after tomorrow. How fast is that? Two-thousand-nine is gone like a blink of an eye but it's not that exaggerating. Tomorrow tuition again and i would really have to buck up on my studies already!
- Pack my bag/pencil case & everything to get ready for school.
- Sleep early to get rid of my panda eyes. (hopefully yes)
- Get crazy with friends, just like gay(s) do.
- Stuff workbooks in the class cupdboard /:
- Lastly i wished my class wasn't at the fourth floor. (cross fingers)
Friday, January 1, 2010 @ 9:47 PM
Happy new year everyone, i yearned for world peace (as always), a new brand everything, forgetting all about unhappy stuffs on twothousandnine, have a better year, better goals/expectations plus unstoppable fun and joy but not forgetting studies as well.I hoped everyone would also enjoy their twentyten, woosh!:)
Thirty-one december
Hmmm, last day of twothousandnine. Had celebration at Denise's house (tyvm for inviting me) Anyway meet Shimin for lunch and went cwp to slack. Went arcade for a 'ride'. HAHA, i keep saying to shimin 'woo, full body work out huh!' Walked till bored already, decided to just go to platform to wait for zhengyu and benard to come. They came, trained to somerset to wait for denise and friends. Reached there too early already, played monopoly there. The benard at there emoemo dont wanna play. (but he help me win yay, cause i am a newbie)
Waited for them and went to eat Astrons. Wow, such long queue, waited for like damn long. Nevermind but the food is fantastic over there and Denise has been talking and talking i wondered whether her mouth would get tired but it's okay cause talking make this eating time fun (!) After eating, we went search hunting for Leonard (Y). Cause we know that he's with his girl-friend, we went to find him from B1 to Fourth floor to find him and i found him yay. Called denise and friends to come down, went to disturb them. *evil laughs. Damn funny, see the girl's reaction and how shocked Leonard was. He keep chasing us away but we didn't. < don't really know how to describe.
Crapped around went cold storage to buy our stuffs and went to Denise' house yay condo! :> Went to play around, lights switch off, and candles in the middle. Played the game (idk the name of it) Lipstick out, ohno. I was drawn number 31 at my face, :(
Played true or dare. Ohno, i told out one of my secrets out but i trust you guys there, haha (8 Anyway, i know a lot of things about them already, haha! :) Countdown and yay, twentyten! :) Played crapped and lots. Four plus, was hungry so we went to MAC and eat. (okay, we haven't sleep yet) Ate and Benard did the first shock of the year. He was reflecting then he told us in a serious way that he is walking home from Bukit Timah to woodlands, following the traintracks. Then he was damn serious, all of us thought it was real and we were like, 'huh, crazy, you better not, really, seriously' In the end, he walked down the stairs, all of us stopped him, he said 'i hungry la, wanna buy things eat' All of us was like 'wa, got tricked by him' :(
Ate, zhengyu and benard has so many stories to say, not bad quite interesting :) Went to play basketball around 5plus and back to denise's house at around seven. I was so tired and went to sleep but i didn't sleep from seven to eight but i slept from eight plus to eleven plus. Home after that, wow, tired /: Okay, overall was fun but i don't know how to describe. Tomorrow cell group in school, maybe :)
I was like so disappointed at you la, you told me you'll wait, okay fine i know i am wrong in this. but then after christmas you didn't sms me already, not at all. you didn't even say happy new year to me. or should i just wait for you to sms me till 12pm tonight. Nevermind, i shouldn't even bother.