One can be a soldier without dying, and a lover without sighing. Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 10:24 PM
im really really tired like nobody's business i wake up early and sleep late gosh.
okay advance happy birthday to you carolyn <3
Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 10:45 PM
how stupid idiotic dumb crazy nuts dope mindless that i plugged everything to my phone to be ready for my phone to be charged but in the end i sign in my msn happily and did on switch on the switch for my phone to be charged i happily thought my phone was charging for hours already but when i received a message then i realized that my phone was not even charged and now my phone is suffering from low battery. and now my phone is vibrating due to all those long chain messages wow.
a: Lingting shut up and do your english formal letter you have to hand it in tomorrow.
b: okay, i'll do it but later on.
a: i said now.
b: no, i said later.
a: no i said now shut up and just do it.
b: fine now!
(few minutes later, im still using the computer)
bye: okay this is idoitic im just writing this conversation between me and my soul.
Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 8:10 PM
i've been sleeping late and waking up early, i always yawn in class i always felt like sleeping in class but i didnt. im super duper tired. angeline cheerup luv ya <3
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @ 10:22 PM
when i was small i always think the moon is following me when i was walking.
when i was small i always think five bucks is a lot of money.
when i was small i always think that crying is the best to seek attention from my parents.
when i was small i always think that im not gonna be tall.
when i was small i always asked my mum how was i born.
when i was small i always had nightmares and started crying.
when i was small i used to believe in santa.
when i was small i used a chair to reach on something high.
when i was small i said 'thankyou' as 'thank you you'.
when i was small i tend to stare at people for no good reasons.
when i was small i start counting using my fingers (like duh)
when i was small i thought the television was actually talking to me.
when i was small i watched barney and many childish shows.
when i was small i tend to wear my mum's high heel shoes to make myself taller.
okay i have loads more but im too lazy to elaborate bye.
Monday, March 22, 2010 @ 9:56 PM
I spend my weekdays counting down to my weekend.
I spend my daytimes counting down to nighttime.
I spend my minutes counting down to a new hour.
I spend my time counting time, wasting time.
and i don't wish to anymore.
Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 10:29 PM
tomorrow's school, gosh. i can smell and sense the terrible school days coming in like nine hours. anyway my holidays doesn't seem like one cause it's almost packed with homeworks though. hm, im gonna make june holiday special no matter whatz. tomorrow's school, Lingting you better get rid of this word 'holidays' from your mind and get back to 'b studying'. okay that picture is random :-)
Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 9:45 PM
- I can't believe my March holidays just ended so quickly. i wondered why time pass so fast. how i wished time can stop just for one day for me to relax myself and let me not think of homeworks that have not been done yet. what if i can rewind time i can change many things i can do many things in the correct way but hm i guessed im too late for that kind of thinking. freak out due to my phone today i can't even 'backspace' the word i typed wrongly i simply had to retype everything again and again and again and i can't take calls nor cancel calls cause my buttons was spoilt. anyway ate kfc omg again i said i wanna lose weight omg contradictory. (ohgosh lingting you really have to stop eating so much fatty stuffs, fatty acids and amino acids you know?!) hmm anyway went shimin's house to finish up my homeworks yay. finally i start to like, wave to my homework ha. :-) hmm watched show then finish up homeworks and then bye.
Give thanks : thanks shimin i luv you hahaahaahaha (mua)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 @ 8:26 PM
i ate like a monster.
i ate like a pig.
i ate like an alien.
i ate like a world champion fatty kid.
i ate like a cookie monster.
i ate like a glutton, seriously.
i ate like a .......... yeah.
i definately have gain weight for sure ! argh i need to slim down asap gosh.
Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 8:24 PM
totally drained out today. slept at one plus yesterday night woke up ten plus went off to swimming and off to basketball for few hours i kept jumping like nobody's business just to block the ball hmm but it's fun playing with (abc) andre, brian, carolyn, fiona, ian, lawrence, maoseng, pingjie, shannon and zac! awesome day :-) *superdrainedtired. i pity myself today i had blisters, one tiny toe nail nearly came off and i cut myself due to swimming today gosh.
i just lied to myself.
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 9:19 PM
today meet the parents talk was like argh boring plus my mum left earlier ha. anyway i was quite happy with my results but i know i still have to work harder for my geography history and literature, seriously. after parent meeting was food feast waited for those groups to come while talking. started the food feast, walked to different places and ordered food to eat and another station and stuffs. omg our last place to visit was the republic poly and we even walked the whole school just to find them when they're just outside subway like omg.
Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 9:39 PM
now how i wished i can invent a water-proof handphone that i can even sms when im swimming ! hmm anyway how gay is my class literature score i scored B4 for literature and my class ranking was like 35/39?! omg and one more mark to A1 for art argh and my geo and history sucks to the core i scored C6 and C5 respectively. home economics was tragic i wanted higher marks although i know i wasn't good at it. my science was finally yay. english i was supa happy :-)
Edited (10.19pm) : anyway super excited for tomorrow's food feast plus there's streaming talk tomorrow for like two hours im really gonna suffer man, somemore, it's like parents' talk O: ohmy gain weight tomorrow due to food feast i guessed but lose weight yay for running :-)
Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 10:08 PM
phew i skipped my swimming lesson or else i will be dead meat when i ve my training and after training, basketball and then back up to volleyball with teacher wow omg this is serious tedious hm plus my knee starts hurting again no way. yay im glad that im gonna lost some weight due to this extratratratra exercise wow :-) *awesome.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 @ 1:04 AM
e-learning was awesome suckish i knows, you knows, we know, everyone knows! anyway happy birthday lawrence :-) went to the rich man's house ian house wow cool or whatz how i wished i can live this kind of house one day in the future like omg. anyway basketball was awesome. i didn't bbq at all cs particularly lazy ha and hot too. hmm tomorrow im giving myself a rest no going out *twist.
ps :// look at the time now, 1.04am ohno i have to sleep or else i would be saying hi beautiful panda eyes. i don't wish for that goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. :<
Monday, March 8, 2010 @ 9:07 PM
guess whatz people i have long thumbs don't believe compare it with me one day *wink. im such a freak that has longer thumbs than average people im so unique wow and im excited to see if anyone can break my record yay :-)
@ 8:51 PM
how i wished i can:
i can walk on zero-gravity.
i can invent things like how albert einstein did.
i can jump as far as 300metres.
i can grow as tall as yao ming.
i can calculate as fast as a calculator.
i can multi-task like how a computer does.
i can be a united states president just like obama!
i can run as fast as a cheetah.
i can breathe through my skin just like how frogs do.
i can be as stress-free just like a one year old kid.
i can take photos with my eyes.
i can make time rewind.
uncountable wishes i had.
Edited ; i'm offically broke ohno and i had one great shock today ohmy i was almost trapped in the lift in the morning when i was about to go to school gosh.
Sunday, March 7, 2010 @ 9:31 PM
Happy birthday ass girlfriend victoria i know i wasn't the first person to wish you nor any special wishes but i did wish you today yay! B) Hm ha im gonna sing a awesome birthday song to you :
happy birthday to you. (with tone)
happy birthday to you. (with another tone)
happy birthday to vicotria.(high pit tone)
happy birthday to you. (low pit tone plus mill of claps)
even though i don't know you very very well but i know you're a good girl friend luv'll. ♥
*victoria be touched :-*
Friday, March 5, 2010 @ 9:19 PM
today was awesome with (accordingly by acb) carolyn, shannon and shimin yay awesome humans bye guys. :o)
Thursday, March 4, 2010 @ 8:46 PM
thanks (s) for sharing with us what happened recently, what people around had said what people around think and what people around felt too. even though we can't even decide anything or find a solution to it, but at least we knew we shouldn't trust anyone too lightly, at least i learnt a lesson from (s). how i wished the Earth would go as innocent as possible that no one would even lie. grant me this wish of mine, i hoped. even though i know this kind of miracles would not even be granted, i just hoped.
News : shannon had a signature face for shooting three-pointer ball plus a free throw B) (had great time with you guys today luv'll.) ♥
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 @ 9:29 PM
suddenly i felt fear in the world today. my heart started pumping like how we pump balloons up. i suddenly felt silence in the air i suddenly felt fear i suddenly felt something's not right i wondered why. i won't wanna have this kind of fear anymore cause it's really very scary. :o( is something not right or what gosh. tomorrow is gonna be a horrible day i hoped not.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 @ 10:04 PM
i find my friends around me having problems, being sad. how i wished i could have magic powers to cast all their sadness aside and let them disappear in thin air and let them be happy. how i wished i would let everything my friends do to be as smooth, to be as sad-stress free cause i really don't wanna see them to be sad because i, myself do felt sad for them too. God bless them : fiona, peizhen, sampson, shannon, victoria. <3 (according by abc)
Monday, March 1, 2010 @ 10:16 PM
shoo off pimples i don't like you stop falling and flying in my face like woah i don't like you at all why are you coming in always is it because i can apply cream on you that you liked them? don't jump in anymore don't come in anymore pimples i don't like you argh.
@ 8:50 PM
sometimes somehow or rather i find it quite weird between both of you. you made her sad you made her disappointed you made her heart broken is this all you wanna do to her i really don't understand. after hearing what she told me i suddenly felt that you really did change although it's not a big change for me cause im not so close to you anymore i guessed we have a line in the middle of our friendship i wondered why too. is it because you was influence or what i hoped not. who can i really trust i sometimes really wanted to tell you something but i didn't dared to cause i find it too hard for me to tell you because i have this feeling you would say it out.